
All Development em-curta Retrospectives Released

2020, fiction feature


The Club of Angels


2021, fiction feature


Southwest Wind


2012, 80 minutes, doc


A Place to Take Away


2015, 20 minutes, doc


One Day


2014, 80 minutes, doc


Meia Hora and the Headlines that Become Headlines


2017, 14 minutes, fic





em- curta 3ª edição



Above all, reach out to people and offer them new perspectives. Above all, use the resources and power of the audiovisual for emotion, reflection and empathy. Above all, try to understand the world and welcome the variety of your looks. Above all, awake observations about the state of affairs, deepen debates, observe what of human unites us. Above all, fiction, documentary, animation.

Above all, tell stories.


Angelo Defanti

Works as director, screenwriter and producer. Directed eight short films, screened and awarded in Brazil and abroad. In 2016, directed the 10 episodes of the HBO series "HQ - Special Edition". In 2015, released the documentary "Meia Hora and the headlines that become headline." Currently, is on post-production of "The Club of Angels", based on the novel by Luis Fernando Verissimo, and also "Verissimo", a documentary about the Brazilian writer. He has been part of the creative core of RT Features, Glaz, Coala Filmes, and now coordinates the core of Sobretudo, his production company.


rbara Defanti

Responsible for the production and executive production of the Sobretudo Produção projects, producing its shorts, feature films and series. Currently, coordinates the post-production of "The Club of Angels" and the development of the company's projects, including those on the creative core Sobretudo Lab. Also produced festivals and was involved in the executive production of projects on other production companies, such as the recent "Jaguar man", by Vinicius Reis, and "Unremember", by Flavia Castro.


Felippe Schultz Mussel

Director and a screenwriter, responsible for the sound of more than 30 works of recent Brazilian cinema. In 2014, directed the documentary "A Place to Take Away" and wrote the episode "Ritos" (co-directed with Maria Augusta Ramos) in the series "The World Cup Passed by Here", for SporTV. With a Masters Degree from UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense, works as a teacher, and coordinated between 2015 and 2016 the Documentary Course on Academia Internacional de Cinema.